Anatidaephobia is a word I found while skimming through the dictionary the other day.Particularly interesting because I have a fear as amusing as Anatidaephobia which has however,not found its way into the Oxford dictionary.
I'm 21,have a license,but don't drive,nor do i wish to.This helps me lead a wonderful life without having to give up on the half a dozen 'last' drinks at a party or finding a parking slot at the movies or even bothering about what the italian and her puppet have decided about the fuel prices.
Riding the bus or taking the train are thus the only options i'm left with.
My phobia kicks in soon as i hop onto a bus or a train!
The phobia of my co-passenger puking on me!My mind gets unnecessarily creative and goes onto visualize the act from a Wide,Mid,Close up and extreme closeup angles!It doesn't stop there,but goes on to detail the color and the content as well.The visual keeps happening like a Justin Bieber music track on loop mode!
What does one do if he or she is puked on?
I was able to find remedies for Anatidaephobia because some chicken,convinced about a duck watching,went on to convince other chickens,came up with a term and even got it printed in dictionaries!all chickens!
With billions of commuters worldwide taking trains and buses,its hard to believe that not a single twerp has the same phobia as I!
Vomit,puke,throw up,barf -all mean the same,but they still came up with 3 additional words,like they had leftovers in the bowl from which they were drawing words!!Those oafs making words probably knew how to drive and didn't take buses because there isn't a term for my phobia !It makes no sense at all! they came up with Anatidaephobia!When was the last time you ever saw a duck without sauce all over and a knife and fork to its sides?
I took to scaring people with my theory of puking co passengers.It was picking up,but needed a name/word for limelight.A friend of mine took up the task.He finally texted me at midnight on Thursday ,The 12th.The text read -'Copassengerpukingphobia',i started to tremble and sweat,i couldn't sleep that night! i was wrong about it being paraskavedekatriaphobia,it was hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia.
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